Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In 95% of cases of genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 by the classic relationship, but in the remain

Over 90% of people has the herpes simplex virus. Some activated on the lips. In others where eyes can not reach. Do not think about where you caught the incurable disease, just learn how to deal with it, when the virus suddenly launches an attack.
SARS, Ebola, West Nile fever is one of the most dangerous killer abrupt decay virus, which can affect humans. The herpes virus is harmless Retriever with them. This is not a serial killer. Attacks without fireworks and messages of hundreds of victims
"Viruses these can become infected mostly by droplet, ie you can not avoid it. Just that someone sneezes. You can catch it by kissing or sexual intercourse. No studies carried out over the number of infections in Poland, because there is no obligation to register. In the U.S. it is estimated that in adults herpes labialis ranges from 50 to 70% of adults, a genital herpes infection - from 15 to 33% ", - said infectious disease specialist MD Paul Piszko.
Studies conducted in Sweden have shown that the number of genital herpes infections is increasing strongly in adolescents abrupt decay starting sexual life, which the virus can also be transferred from mouth to genitals. The worst thing is that we are carriers of the virus, which can not kill anything - medicine does not yet know the method of completely getting rid of the virus from the body clever.
If you've ever had on my mouth so. cold, which is initially burning bubbles, and then a little bleeding sore, then most likely you are a carrier of the virus herpes labialis, or Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 - in short, HSV-1.
And how to recognize genital herpes? Symptoms abrupt decay are similar to herpes labialis, but appear in the private area. Variety of herpes simplex virus type 2 - or HSV-2 - occurs in men in the foreskin, the glans and the shaft of the penis, in women on the labia, the clitoris, the vagina or on the cervix. In addition to genital organs, mornings are sometimes on the buttocks, groin or legs. These symptoms may be accompanied by general weakness, fever and difficulty urinating. The first occurrence of herpes is by far the worst. About 40% of people have never had a repeat attack. The others are 4-5 recurrences per year.
How is it possible that herpes is transferred to a buddy in rozporku? Consider this scenario: Your girlfriend is on the lips of "cold" or slight redness, but it starts doing what tigers like the most, or oral sex. Now, the herpes virus is moved to you, but in an intimate place. Skin lesions usually appear 4-7 days after exposure.
In 95% of cases of genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 by the classic relationship, but in the remaining abrupt decay 5% of the virus is type 1, which is transferred from the lips to the private area. It is possible to reverse the situation: when you will be practiced oral sex with a woman infected with HSV-2, the virus will go on your lip.
In the fight against herpes key word is "prevention" and not "treatment" because it has not been invented for her medicine. After infection, and changes abrupt decay in the skin, which disappear after 10-14 days, is a small scar. But this is not the end of the viral life - it remains latent within the ganglia, for example near the bottom abrupt decay of the spine (type 2) or in rolls innervating the face (type 1), where in the event of a favorable warunkówreaktywuje is traveling along the nerves and leads to re-infection of the skin.
Attempts to eradicate it antiviral medicines like neurological version of playing abrupt decay hide and seek in which the virus has always wins. Anyone who caught herpes, has a theory on this, when the virus comes out of hiding: a long bike ride, depression, God's punishment, but scientists have identified several reasons reaktywujących virus:
1 Sun and hypothermia. The study, published abrupt decay in the American magazine "Sports Medicine", shows that herpes labialis are usually skiers exposed to long exposure to the sun. Here are primarily guilty of UV-B rays. During the summer, sudden changes in body temperature can lead to the disclosure of the virus, such as when you jump into the water warmed up.
How to overcome this? Lubricate lips cream with UV filter, preferably abrupt decay with a very high SPF (over 30), or even the sun blocker. Stop the penetration of the mouth of dangerous UV-B. Let the cream or stick in your mouth will water resistant.
2 Stress. Each stressful job - for example, a first date or the first day on the job - weakens your immune abrupt decay system, which leaves the door open for the virus. Similarly, acts flu or cold in the winter - when the immune system is weaker, and the virus is just waiting. Hence the popular name herpes "cold" because it occurs frequently in winter, when rapid changes in temperature accompanied

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