Monday, December 30, 2013

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Exciting Startup devouring on Google - Bitport - Computer languages for business
Best of 2013: the tech world's winners and losers more hundred developer tand expands in 2014 NNG January board computer may pay a royalty tax thus support the online purchase - used to set the top of the head of the mobile market, one contract Combative Amazon threat to Google's golden egg tyúkját quickly spread M2M industrial automation technology more and more content is shown to the governments Solutions
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In terms of current buying volume is not considered outstanding, but a service is provided, which can easily be integrated into the future of Google's portfolio. The application called Bump mobiles összekoccintásával able business tand information, photos, files and videos to send one mobile to another. tand Mobile toast David Lieb, Bump CEO and co-founder of the company blog announced the gratifying fact is that according to Google superannuation belongs to the team. "I have always endeavored to develop Bump in the easiest way possible oszthassuk the subset of information with other people or devices. tand We try to make magical experience this process, however, is behind an important tand mathematical computations, algorithms and data processes are hidden. "Writes tand around the company credo of the leader of the Bump. The text also notes that the Bump and photos tand in Flock specialized tand apps will still work, in fact, further tand updates can be expected.
This is all the good news, because the acquisitions are often followed by the shooting of services, for the bump but this probably will not like this. The company was founded in 2008 by three college students in Chicago, the first bump, it was only from existing iOS version became available from 2009. The application had been successful, since this or later version of Android more than 100 million times downloads. During the startup of his career received $ 20 million of investor money, but has so far failed to bear fruit given to the firm, as the app has always been free, and could not be more serious user base to build around. You ought android One reason for the latter to be the operation tand of both mobile Bump install the application, which rarely comes up even though you have to download a glance over. Bump it could be interesting for Google, because the data transfer is not nowadays using increasingly gaining NFC (and not Bluetooth), but on the mobiles of the data to be exchanged'll send to the cloud, and photos, files, videos from a few seconds to arrive at a fraction of the other device. In fact, the Bump has been also made it possible for the PC to mobile phone, mobile phone or PC send files, which is a form of price cloud also enables the users. Is not difficult to imagine an Android Based function, which allows, regardless of the type of cell that was prepared in the two pictures (or more) mobile összeérintve our friend you send it to any pairing unsightly. The acquisition value of one company said no, AllThingsD has learned that the U.S. $ 30-60 million to be made between the amount you paid for the bumper Google.
Latest Best of 2013: Winners and Losers in the tech world more organized with hundreds of developers in 2014 NNG January board computer may pay tax on the royalties thus support the online purchase - we find out here if the data is stolen
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