Monday, December 30, 2013

3 We can see the optical speed bump?

Watch out for huplival! Brake! | English-tanulá
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Traffic-safety experts are Getting Creative When it comes to foiling dangerously speeding drivers who zoom through city neighborhoods. pyorrhea Most towns do not have enough police officers to catch many speeders Actually, so They try to slow everyone down through pyorrhea what's called traffic calming.
Traffic circles or zig-zag obstacle courses are other calming devices. They break up straight stretches of road, Which are an open invitation to speeding. The traffic islands have the Desired Effect, but their drivers Tend to crash into curbs and raised flower beds.
Many towns have tried speed bumps, or raised ridges in the road. If You Ignore Them, They produce a teeth-rattling bounce harm can ruin shock absorbers and axles. The humps slow down, give a jolt to good, safe drivers and irritate, too, Including Those in emergency vehicles.
The latest, somewhat sneaky, speed-reducing innovation is ... an optical illusion! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is testing a fake speed bumps! These are flat sheets of thermoplastic, laid across the street pyorrhea and embedded designs with hurt, from a distance, look like three-dimensional pyramids, sticking up from the pavement. pyorrhea Who would not slow down for that? And They cost a fraction of real humps in the road.
But there's one problem with bumpy These illusions: the police's traffic coordinator pyorrhea in Phoenix, Arizona, push the Associated Press They were great ... until people found out What They Were!
3 We can see the optical speed bump?
If the cities inside dangerously keresztülszáguldó more difficult thing in the target speeders, road safety professionals can be very resourceful. Most cities do not have enough police to be really a lot of speeders caught, so they try to slow down through all the so-called pyorrhea traffic calming.
The roundabouts pyorrhea and slalom obstacles are dampening devices. Break the long straight road segments that are almost lend themselves to speeding. The traffic islands can achieve the desired effect, but the drivers often carry him to the raised edge and virágládáknak.
Many cities have tried the bumps, that is the path built on an elevated ridge. If you ignore, huppansz anything pyorrhea that could ruin the damper and shaft. The bumps slow, twitching, and so irritating pyorrhea to safely navigate them as well - including the emergency services pyorrhea are performed.
The latest innovation is a bit tricky to reduce speed optical illusion! The National Highway Traffic Safety Authority bumps false test. These plastic sheets across the road laid out pattern which appears protruding from the housing for a distance of three-dimensional pyramids. Such a sight not to slow down? In addition, cost a fraction of the real speed bump.
However, there is a problem with the optical lying police. Like the Phoenix, Arizona Police traffic coordinator for the Associated Press said they work just fine as long as people do not come out, what is going on!
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