Saturday, December 21, 2013

4) Do something that can promote the flow of saliva can overcome this problem. For example, chewing

It lives and multiplies in the mouth by eating home teeth whitening food protein residue that clings to the teeth and gums. To facilitate digestion, these delicate creatures dissolve residue protein home teeth whitening with gas volatile sulfur home teeth whitening compounds (VSCs). The smell of gas is more rotten than tembelang eggs or the fish. :)
While the rapidly multiplying, the bacteria are also easily die when exposed to oxygen. So, it often hide and make nests in hidden places, especially under the tongue. Nests are built in layers of mucus and liquid food waste. During this process, the gas is released continuously VSCs, makes your breath.
Saliva is important for controlling the freshness of breath. However, the production of saliva decreases during sleep, causing a dry mouth and bad breath every morning. However, if dry mouth during the day, it is a sign of illness or the side effects of the drug content in your medicine. 3) nasal mucus drip drugs tend to develop the impact of drops in the nose to cure the common cold, allergies or other illnesses such as sinusitis. This mucus accumulated in nasal cavity nesting be the best place. Preferably use the spray medicine home teeth whitening to reduce mucus breaker or overcome bad breath. 4) diet
Usually when chewing food increases saliva production. If a diet, you eat less means less saliva secreted also cause bad breath. 5) production of hormones Usually women will face the hormonal changes a few days before menstruation. This will not only cause mood changes, but also affect the state's bad breath because when blood contains excess protein is well-liked and anaerobic bacteria. 6) Eat foods do no eat because some foods can cause bad breath. Among the foods that contain sulfur such as garlic, cabbage, broccoli and onions. Sulfur in the feed gas is absorbed into the blood through the stomach and then into the lungs before being released through respiration. hmm, if look at the causes of this, you certainly will feel a little afraid right ..? But, do not worry, every problem there's a solution .. tarrraaa! : D tips to overcome the problem of bad breath .. ~
1) The use of special tools to clean the tongue, especially under the tongue to clean food debris accumulated home teeth whitening fluids and assisted reproduction of anaerobic bacteria. home teeth whitening 2) you can use a plastic spoon to clean the back of the tongue.
4) Do something that can promote the flow of saliva can overcome this problem. For example, chewing crunchy fruits like apples are 'rubbing' the tongue or drinking plain water to cleanse and flush out food waste anaerobic bacteria.
5) You can also gargle with a special liquid mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide because it effectively kill / control the growth of bacteria. However, make sure your teeth and your tongue cleaned before gargle with this liquid.
6) If the problem is still not resolved, consult a specialist. The doctor will make sure the problem and determine the appropriate type of treatment. If you are hesitant to buy drugs or substances dessert, consult or pharmacy assistant. There is no problem that can not be resolved. Do not ruin your social contacts as bad breath home teeth whitening ... :) Good luck!

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