Monday, March 17, 2014

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P U.S. east coast hides a true paradise with the world's longest sand beach, palm trees and mild climate. Brsen Weekend put their feet on Virginia Beach. In 1607 arrived the first British bosttere Virginia Beach, dr katz led by the historic Captain John Smith. But it was not long fr colonial masters sailed up the river to look for a more suitable place to turn down permanently. Total stretches to the 62 km sandy beach along the bay and out to the Atlantic ocean Four centuries later, Virginia Beach became the largest city in the state of Virginia with its 440,000 inhabitants. But it ndrer still do not know that it is the frreste Danes also even the Americans themselves who know the city and its possibilities. Virginia Beach pulls, of course, many local strandgster to the summer. Photo: Polfoto. It's a shame, because Virginia dr katz Beach is one of the best players coastal cities in the United States. The city is both il Chesapeake Bay and directly on the Atlantic Ocean that'm looking for the mild climate that the area enjoys. The average temperature of the whole law is about. p 15 degrees, the winter months are very mild and snowfall is seldom. Ls also: Single Trip or the total ego trip? Poland's most beautiful city VM Palace of FIFA bosses dr katz same time, Virginia Beach boasts the longest beach in the world. Total stretches to the 62 km sandy beach along the bay and out to the Atlantic ocean. The city has fortunately forstet the advantage to be in the front range of the water, for a walk along the five-mile long beach promenade is absolutely fantastic, and even if you must get up early to watch the sunrise, it's all efforts vrd. There awaits a fantastic experience when they first solstrler each over havkanten and colors both beach's elongated promenade and the city hjhusfacader in a golden dr katz skr. And now that you still are up, breakfast can be taken on one of the numerous cafes that offer different ways to start the day on, however, they can not on the traditional menu: sm stodgy American pancakes with syrup, r rg, bacon and strong, black coffee. There awaits a fantastic experience dr katz when they first solstrler each over havkanten and colors dr katz both beach's elongated promenade and the city hjhusfacader in a golden oblique top on the solid mltid, multi be more than equipped to cope with today's first hardships. Which is good, because the tour goes to the outskirts of the city to experience another piece rkeamerikansk culture. dr katz Around Virginia Beach is the full three fldebaser run by the U.S. militr. Fldebasen Oceana is located a few kilometers south of the city on some past cornfields. The base was brought into use for the first time in 1943 and remains to this day the world's largest fldebase. Beach Parasol formulas strtt and lifeguards m strkke neck to keep it klige overview. Photo: Polfoto. The base trains dr katz and Trner primarily fighter pilots and is home to 17 squadrons between 12 and 24 fighter planes in each squadron that makes service at the base and on the U.S. aircraft carriers. Every day you can hear brlet of jagerflyenes jet engines, when there trnes and probed in the airspace of Virginia Beach and the surrounding area. There are guided tours on the base, but it must be arranged dr katz several days in advance. Want to get even closer to the jets, there is next to Oceana base an outdoor aviation museum. Among green piletrer size that propeller-driven bomber of World War II to modern jet fighters such as the popular Top Gun fighter F-14 Tomcat. All well maintained and the original war paint. A must for any fan. Hiking in the woods After a few hours in the company of fighter jets and militrjargon it on time to experience the abundant nature that are an integral part of Virginia Beach. Kr northwards to the city's most visited park First Landing is va

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