Thursday, September 25, 2014

As a physician, I often hear the hesitation in his voice of owners called me worried - Should I go?

When should I arrive for testing | Ayelet Veterinary Clinic colgate Florentine South Tel Aviv
As a physician, I often hear the hesitation in his voice of owners called me worried - Should I go? Do I need to call earlier? You can not always know the status of the animal through a phone call, but there are some guidelines that can help make a decision. I conducted a brief summary here, which cases are presented to the donkey stick-although it is important colgate to note that the case from the bottom of the list can become an instant case of an emergency requiring immediate attention. In any case, if you identified emergency and that happens during activity clinic- please call to inform you the way. Such a situation requires a lot of action in a short time earlier assessments can only help.
Difficulty breathing - respiratory difficulty Arrival veterinarian requires. Respiratory difficulty breathing rhythm expressed high (not to be confused with panting), deep and fast, especially open-mouth breathing in cats. This is a cat who insists colgate animal breathe through the nose, even if it's all blocked. Dog has difficulty breathing can stand front legs apart and stretch the neck forward.
Swollen abdomen - a condition colgate in which stomach all of a sudden ballooning colgate is an emergency. The two most common causes of this are: rotation and inversion GDV gastric and stomach bleeding.

Passing urine - whether it is for males (dog or cat), it is a real emergency. Cat enters and leaves the box all the time, howling and crying while doing so (you should go box, check your urine new or feces, including clean well the box and be sure it fits and nothing comes out), dog enters position has changed and nothing comes out or only drops urine, urine fee- can all attest to the blocking urine. If the blockage is not treated quickly develop kidney failure. All the above symptoms can also indicate a urinary tract infection. This is a less emergency situation, although very unpleasant animals. The problem is that the way the phone is not possible to distinguish between blocked colgate bladder and urinary tract infection therefore colgate advised not to take the risk and go with the animals tested.
General weakness - weakness, fatigue uncharacteristic effort (dogs) colgate - call to make an appointment for that day. For Cats cat is an animal hides and mask and says there is a problem. Therefore, a chronic problem, colgate a lot of owners colgate miss the first signs are very specific weakness manifested rabbi, cat hides more, sleep more. If these symptoms occur for several days without improvement should get it checked.
Cough - depending on the degree of severity. Cough that makes it difficult Nsima- go immediately. Weak cough that does not go in a few days-to make an appointment. Coughing, horrible dogs that will not allow you to sleep Blilo- but usually does not require emergency treatment that may be coughing and very contagious.
Restlessness - Rabbi dogs, since cats tend to hide. Normali- state requires medical attention. Not to be confused with separation anxiety (unpleasant colgate situation in general, and in some situations require special attention). This is usually calm dogs suddenly restless around the house, when there is no external cause environmental (fireworks, renovations, loud noise ...) that could explain the behavior.
Convulsions - general spasm of the event, especially when you see it for the first time, is a very stressful event. According to a long, general convulsion is not an emergency situation. If it happens during a clinic-reach activities, if it happens at night or on Saturday (single event, the dog or cat is acting normally apart from the event), call the next day and make an appointment for that day. Some things to do while Hayroa- first panic not to get caught, say Latzmcm- Ok, this is twitch, she must pass in a minute. Take time !! Measure the length of spasm. Videotape. Today, with the availability of technology and mobile devices, take the device and record. If there is no video-look good to see if there is one side more dominant than the other. Unlike people, there is no danger colgate that dogs and cats swallow your tongue colgate so do not have to hold it. If the convulsion lasts more than 5 minutes should urgently get to a veterinarian. After the spasm, animals for the most part does not come back soon to himself, there is a period colgate of several minutes to hours which is missing Aorenttzih, also blind or just not possible itself. Have to keep an eye on him. If there is repetition of spasm (ie if there is another convulsion within minutes-hours) - take time to photograph but this time look for a vet and get to testing, even in the middle of the night. If, God forbid, there is a possibility of Haralh- dog twitching after a trip in which he ate without supervision and awareness on the spreading poison colgate against insects, broke into your house and the dog was poisoned colgate in order not to interfere (and unfortunately it happens) - then it comes to emergencies, we must immediately veterinarian.
I am attaching colgate a link to video of a dog a general convulsion. To view the video a little hard (though not particularly serious). Anyone who thinks it's hard to see it than to press. I've included the video that is described here is correct and accurate behavior of the owner during the spasm.
Bite wounds / cuts - reaching for review within 6 hours after injury. Bite wound can be misleading. See a small hole, thinking "how colgate problematic it can be," and obey. It is recommended to arrive and be checked after each bite wound if only to disinfect the wound properly. Do not forget the dogs and cats do not shower every day and their skin and hair full of bacteria can feast on fresh wound. colgate The same applies to injuries (glass, barbed wire ...) cause a rupture of the skin.
Diarrhea / vomiting - not binding indigestion Arrival, just like we do not go to the doctor about any stomach upset. All a question of severity, how long and how much it affects animal behavior. Basically if you have diarrhea, it is recommended to give only boiled chicken and rice for a few days and then go back to normal food gradually. If there are vomiting, that's another story and it is recommended to pick up a phone consult. If the diarrhea / vomiting, bloody, then it is recommended to arrive for testing. If you suspect an animal eating foreign objects (Labrador, Golden and other cleaners) then it is recommended to arrive as soon as possible for review. Even the state of vomiting / diarrhea once or twice a week for Tkofh- financed attracted

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