Monday, May 18, 2015

* Mulhti powder can be used for elders. Stone root of Mulhti for infants 6-7 times Giskr honey or m

* In real Muleti yellow, fibrous and light is Gandhavali. It tastes like acid on drying becomes. The flavor is sweet with sugar. Muleti is used as a very potent drug. Muleti sore throat, cough, colic tuberculosis, acute respiratory inflammation and is useful in the treatment of epilepsy, etc.
* Muleti intake is beneficial for the eyes. The antibacterial efficiency is found. It is also beneficial to the body's internal injuries. * In India, it is used to pour into pan etc. * Muleti or put in Pan Mulhti is eaten. bad breath causes This diabetes is also used to ward off the disease. According to Ayurveda three doshas Muleti their properties due to the increased vata, kapha and pitta is calm. If there is any problem should be consumed occasionally Muleti intestines ulcers, reduces the risk of cancer and digestion is perfectly bad breath causes all right. bad breath causes
* Mulhti Bell is the one and a half meters high and tamarind are like tiny leaves. These vines are the purple flowers are spread its roots into the ground, which is used for medicine.
* Mulhti taste sweet, soft, digest heavy, glossy bad breath causes and the body is going to force. Because of these properties, it has increased three doshas calm.
* Cough-cold: to reduce phlegm Mulhti is used mostly. Cuff inflated throat, bad breath causes nose, heartburn bad breath causes sensation as when, then mixed with honey to lick Mulhti many benefits.
* Mulhti powder can be used for elders. Stone root of Mulhti for infants 6-7 times Giskr honey or milk mixed with water can be. It is sweet in taste, so take the kids licking bad breath causes it without hesitation.
* Mulhti intelligence is even faster. For younger bad breath causes children use it regularly sleeps

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