Monday, May 25, 2015

Have you ever suffered from canker sores? Almost everyone has experienced it. You thrush may occur

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Have you ever suffered from canker sores? Almost everyone has experienced it. You thrush may occur after brushing teeth whitening your teeth is too strong, eventually your gums hurt ???? It's really painful is not it? Especially if mouth must chew your food spicy, then it will be increasingly felt canker sore. Let alone to eat, to speak only of pain.
Definition of Traumatic ulcer is formed ulcerative lesions caused by trauma. Traumatic ulcers may occur at any age and in both genders. Its location is usually teeth whitening on the buccal mucosa, mucosal lip, palate and tongue peripheral edge. Traumatic ulcers caused by trauma such as chemical, teeth whitening thermal, electrical, or mechanical force (Langlais & Miller, teeth whitening 2000).
Etiology and Pathogenesis The cause of traumatic teeth whitening ulceration of the mouth can be either physical trauma or chemical trauma. Physical damage to the mucosa of the mouth may be caused by a sharp surfaces, such as grip or the edges of the prosthesis, orthodontic appliances, biting lip, or teeth that fraktur.Ulser can be caused by contact with broken teeth, denture grip partially or mucous accidentally bitten , Burns of the food and drinks that are too hot generally occur in palate. Other traumatic ulcers caused by injuries fingernails gouged-cukil oral mucosa (Lewis & Lamey, 1998; Langlais & Miller, 2000).
Traumatic ulcers can also be caused by chemicals, heat, electricity, or mechanical force. Chemical irritation to the oral mucosa can lead to ulceration. A common cause of this type is ulceration aspirin tablet or cream toothache placed on the teeth, teeth whitening ill or under the prosthesis uncomfortable (Lewis & Lamey, 1998; Langlais & Miller, 2000).
At first erythematous area found in the peripheral, which is slowly teeth whitening being young because keratinization process. The central part of the lesion usually yellow-gray. Often the cause is trauma is clearly revealed in the examination of medical history or clinical examination. Mucosa damaged by chemicals such as burnt by aspirin generally teeth whitening limits are vague and contain coagulated skin surface and peeling (Bhaskar, 1973; Lewis & Lamey, 1998; Langlais & Miller, 2000).
Therapy and Therapeutic Treatments trumatik ulcers form of therapy by eliminating the causative etiologic factors or causes (trauma). Symptomatic treatment of patients with traumatic ulcers, namely the provision of an antiseptic mouthwash like khlorhexidin with analgesic and bias with topikla anatesi. Palliative therapy in these patients can be done with antibiotics. Supportive therapy may be to consume soft foods. If the lesion is completely traumatized, the ulcer will heal within 7-10 days. Another teeth whitening opinion says that after the traumatic effect of missing, ulcers will heal within two weeks, teeth whitening if not then other causes should be suspected and biopsy. Each ulcers that persist over time, then should be biopsied teeth whitening to determine whether the ulcer is carcinoma (Bengel et al., 1989; Lewis & Lamey, 1998; Langlais & Miller, 2000; Houston, teeth whitening 2009).
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