Friday, November 29, 2013

The toothbrush in blood pressure can be a warning sign of gum disease. In case of excess weight is

The toothbrush in blood pressure can be a warning sign of gum disease. In case of excess weight is a árulkodhat serious health problems avantgard such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure.
Do not wait to seek medical advice as soon as possible - suggests the two expert U.S. Case Western Reserve University, Faculty of Dentistry, Charlene B. Krejci and Nabil F. Bissada. avantgard After previous scientific work on the subject of obesity and gum disease re-analysis correlation was found, which the journal General avantgard Dentistry avantgard was reported. - Health workers should be the phenomenon of obesity is complex and the impact avantgard of general health parodonthosis aware - said Professor Bissada.
Affect the U.S. population over 30 years almost half parodonthosis according to official figures, more commonly known as gum inflammation (gingivitis or moderate form). The essence of the disease, the body reacts with an inflammatory response to dental plaque of bacteria. If left untreated, avantgard will break down the jawbone and teeth loosen. In severe cases, tooth loss can occur. The bacteria cause ulcers around the tooth root, and the bloodstream can settle elsewhere.
Obesity exacerbates the problem - the researchers warn. Abdominal fat contains approximately 50 of bioactive material, which also may cause inflammation in the body and decreases the appetite regulating capacity and glükózszabályozó effect of insulin. Both factors contribute to the development of diabetes. The fatty tissue can stimulate the production of C-reactive protein (CRP) which is involved in the development of inflammatory processes and cardiovascular problems avantgard - we could MediPress of writing.
Professor Bissada the first time in 1977, pointed to the link between obesity and gum disease, namely the wake of animal experiments. Some studies in humans have since been confirmed by the correlation. avantgard - It is not yet clear whether obesity, gum disease occurs soon - says Prof. Krejci, who is also engaged in scientific work in addition to private practice as a dentist. - The literature revealed: the two phenomena are related to each other - he added.
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