Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hi doctor, I am the mother of a 5 year old, made in maggioMio child up to two years almost did not

Children and operations of the tonsils and adenoids | Speech Therapist Rome
Hi doctor, I am the mother of a 5 year old, made in maggioMio child up to two years almost did not say anything, but within six months he began to say everything, despite having so many problems with paroleHa removed the pacifier to 3 years and four months before the age of 4 years and a 'd been operated tonsils and adenoidiHa solved some speech defects such as F and V, but some words are not the perfectly still says something like: Gia', like, clarissa, ce, we are , protect, it happened, I was jokingly Visa, zeta, garbage, and ask if cieloVolevo colgate '. Should take him to a speech therapist and whether the timing of recovery are lunghile I state That there feels fine (checked by our ENT an aio d months ago) and That suio and 'nun arched palate (caused by tonsils and adenoids later aspoirtate completely as I said mle ) Pending its resp, I greet you cordially
In my opinion, a speech therapy evaluation is appropriate, the speech therapist in the light of what you will found the answer with precision. Recovery times children are subjective, dependent on the child, it is impossible to answer your questions without having assessed the child.
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