Thursday, October 2, 2014

Prevention of caries Treatments Treatment of gingivitis periodontitis Disinfectant gums T

Chlorhexidine is an active ingredient that can be found in mouthwashes, in some gels and toothpastes. It has a 'bactericidal action, ie it is able to kill bacteria in the mouth. You can find in the market in different concentrations. The most used are 0.20% and 0.12%. It 'a great help in every area dental and dentistry, and is used for a wide variety of situations and conditions such as:
Prevention of caries Treatments Treatment of gingivitis periodontitis Disinfectant gums Treatments for Dry mouth Disinfection of the oral cavity and throat Before and after surgical procedures Reduction of dental abces plaque.
After prolonged use of solutions containing Chlorhexidine (mouthwash) can be an external coloration of the teeth (grayish or brown spots) or the resin fillings. Lately the market are innovative products that reduce this problem. It 'possible that the plaque is not removed it can cause an increase in staining it is recommended scrupulous oral hygiene. abces The interaction with certain foods is a 'further possibility of cause of the staining of the teeth. We suggest, therefore, do not smoke and possibly reduce the intake of foods pigmentation (coffee, tea ...). And anyway, ingest, not earlier than one hour after treatment. It 'been reported after prolonged use of Chlorhexidine mouthwash based on a sense of taste disturbance, which commonly resolves after discontinuation of the mouthwash. Carefully follow the directions of your dentist use.

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