Tuesday, February 4, 2014


There are several factors how to floss that cause inflammation how to floss of the tongue, including: - hypersensitivity to toothpaste Augusol mouth Aoumatarat mouth Awalabbag Aoualemwad sweets in plastic in dentures or some medicine for lowering blood pressure. - Dry mouth and private facilities for the disruption of the salivary glands. - Infection how to floss of bacterial, viral or fungal in the mouth. - Wounds that occur in the tongue as a result of burns or tapered edges of the teeth Awaladoat which is used for dental care. - Iron deficiency or shortage of some types of B vitamins as vitamin B-12. - Smoking or excessive drinking or eating how to floss foods hot or warm. - Injury to certain diseases how to floss such as mouth sores or in-law.
Show signs and symptoms of inflammation of the tongue rapidly or gradually as follows: - the difficulty in chewing or swallowing Aoassaobh in pronunciation. - The emergence of a smooth surface of the tongue. - Soreness and pain in the tongue. - A change in the color of the tongue; pale so that if anemia is the cause of the inflammation, or it may be a dark red color if the cause of the inflammation in vitamin B deficiency. - Swelling of the tongue.
The diagnosis of inflammation of the tongue on the clinical examination of the patient is observed through the following: - the lack of bumps (papillae) that are normally present on the surface of the tongue, a tongue that is smooth how to floss abnormally. - Swelling of the tongue. * Your doctor may ask about the medical history of the patient and his lifestyle to know the factors that causes inflammation of the tongue. how to floss * Your doctor may recommend laboratory checks how to floss to ensure the safety of the patient how to floss from any disturbances satisfactory.
This may include the treatment of inflammation of the tongue following measures: - the recommendation to maintain the cleanliness of the patient's mouth and teeth, by brushing twice a day at least Tnzpfha and floss at least once a day. - The use of antibiotics, antifungals if the infection is the virus that causes inflammation of the tongue. - Follow how to floss a pattern specific diet or taking supplements how to floss to treat anemia or nutritional problems that may be causing the inflammation of the tongue. - Avoid substances that cause irritation of the tongue Kalmchrobat alcoholic and warm food or hot and smoking.
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