Monday, December 16, 2013

Bad breath is common in almost all fevers. Acute fever can produce bad breath. Severe bad breath is

Bad breath is a problem that interferes with daily activities, not only to you but to the body meet. This problem will affect more severe trauma leading to depression as a result of patients not managed to solve the problem of bad breath caused. He may feel ostracized and contacts trying to stay away from him.
Generally speaking, all humans have bad breath. In seorangdewa mouth contains millions of bacteria such fusobacterium million and Actinomyces acts on protein wisdom teeth pain from food to degrade. Bacterial activity will produce hydrogen sulphide gas smells like, methyl mescaptan, cadaverin, skatol, putrescine causes mouth stink. If oral hygiene is not maintained properly, severe mouth odor problems are bound to occur. Usually we will brush your teeth, tongue and rinsing. But it is not effective for some people due to this problem may result from other health problems. Among the causes of bad breath foul
If kebersihanmulut not taken seriously, millions of bacteria nesting and will produce foul-smelling wisdom teeth pain gas from food waste dicelah teeth. Foul mouth odor gets worse if one is lazy regularly brushing teeth or gargle after meals. Got up from the mouth is usually odorless. This happens because less saliva is released during sleep, did you know that saliva has antibacterial properties that help control bacteria in the mouth.
Causes of bad breath problem is putrid waste decomposition by bacteria, mainly oriented food protein. Such as meat, fish, dairy products, wisdom teeth pain eggs, cakes, nuts. Not forgetting of course the food smell like onions and durian. Consuming junk food also causes foul mouth odor. However, if oral hygiene is always practiced this problem can be prevented.
Layer formation on the surface of the tongue and mouth wall. This layer can accommodate the lives of millions of bacteria causes halitosis. If you can feel your tongue like thick, continue wisdom teeth pain to brush your teeth and clean the tongue immediately.
Dental problems such as potholes will trap food residue. wisdom teeth pain The bacteria will decompose wisdom teeth pain food waste and produce foul-smelling gas. Brushing teeth as usual can not remove food residues terperangkan in cavities easily. Consult a doctor to resolve a toothache wisdom teeth pain can help prevent food stuck in your teeth.
Gingivitis is a gum disease are swollen wisdom teeth pain due to bacterial infection, the gums become red, swollen and sore beraa. If the situation gets worse, it could spread more widely and may produce pus. In bad cases, it can attack the bone at the top and bottom mulutyangmengakibatkan disease osteomyelitis. The stench was very soothing gingivitis.
Mouth ulcers caused by bacterial infections, viruses, allergies to food or auto-immune disorder (the immune system attacks healthy cells). Peptic ulcers occur yangbiasa Apthous. Another example is the case of herpes, fungal infections, Vincents angina, infectious wisdom teeth pain mononucleosis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, drug reactions. Ulseryang caused by fungal attack will cause the white layer is formed (candidiasis). Leucoplakia is thick coats of white on the mucous membrane of the mouth & tongue. At this point, the problem of halitosis inevitable.
Pharynx is a fibromuscular tube that is formed in the upper digestive tract & respiratory tract. Infection of the pharynx wisdom teeth pain causing sore throat, caused mainly by bacteria and viruses. Bad breath occurs when a sore throat along with symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. wisdom teeth pain
The dentures can be due to bad odor due to the accumulation of food debris on the tooth surface that scratches. Brushing can cause scratches on dentures and trap food scraps, the causes of halitosis.
Many diabetic patients suffer from bad breath. wisdom teeth pain Coated tongue, ulcers & coatings in the mouth, increased sugar level in tissues is the cause halitosis problems occur. Bacterial infections in diabetic patients is much faster than non-diabetic individuals.
Bad breath is common in almost all fevers. Acute fever can produce bad breath. Severe bad breath is seen in typhoid fever. Other infectious diseases like Tuberculosis, AIDS etc. produce bad breath.
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