Friday, August 1, 2014

Many people think the foods of the worst teeth are sweet foods but because almost all foods contain

Tooth decay is the most common infectious diseases in the Western world. Tooth decay is created by the presence of bacteria and sugars postimees near the teeth over time. The presence of bacteria near the surfaces of the teeth creating a sticky layer called plaque or tooth plaque. Food and drink are sugars that accumulate near the teeth. These bacteria break down sugars postimees resulting postimees acid forms dissolves the hard tooth tissue - and this is actually decay process. Acid causes the slow dissolution of the tooth surface, to create a cavity. Decomposition starting layer of the tooth enamel, postimees dentin penetration from there and eventually tooth pulp. We feel pain when the decay reaches the tooth pulp. The main signal decay is sensitive to sweet, hot and cold.
Many people think the foods of the worst teeth are sweet foods but because almost all foods contain sugars, the main focus of dentists are now given the degree of stickiness of food teeth and speed the evacuation of his mouth. Chiefs example causes deeper postimees blacks chocolate because it is more sticky. Old eating frequency also of great importance. Drinking, or eating multiple times increases the pH level in the mouth which leads to rapid melting of the tooth. Types of decay
Decay speeding - occurs in children under 4. Characterized by a very rapid process, it is the development of a number of months. postimees Caused by various reasons such as a bottle a night that does not contain water or when there is no period of time between feedings for Rminrliztzih.
Decay stops - cavities started and stopped postimees without medical intervention. Environmental conditions have changed the focus of cavities. For example: ensuring brushing postimees your teeth, removal of plaque by flossing, tooth extraction was done nearby and that you can reach the affected area and brush, washes with Floarid. Once there is a "decay stops" has a darker stain, decay does not return to the same place exactly. Cavities stops tooth decay does not get renewed. There are several situations in which tooth decay is more exposed to injury:
- Teeth toddlers can suffer serious decay known as caries Hinkot' and may occur in infants who frequently use a bottle containing a liquid non-water (milk, formula, juice, sweetened tea, etc. ..), or infant mammals at night without a break.

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