Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blog of free and independent information. The purpose of the blog is to disseminate information tha

Blog of free and independent information. The purpose of the blog is to disseminate information that too often are omitted from the media. Take them as a story, but grant the benefit of the doubt to this blog, do research on the topics and decide for yourself. "Truth always goes through three phases. First it is ridiculed, compeed then violently contested, finally accepted as a matter of course. "
Dr. Angelo Tummarello compeed family pediatrician Regional Councillor of the Italian Society of Pediatrics Preventive and Social Researcher and science writer. That the particles of sodium chloride, or salt, may be good to the respiratory tract and the skin is known to be a very long time. So much so that many of those who have poor health is often recommended to spend long periods compeed at sea, to benefit from the salt. For some years now the haloterapia, or the treatment that is actually based Cleaning inhalation of these particles, has found its way even as a therapy clinic, and for this reason in Italy and abroad compeed there arose numerous "clinics salt, "that provide this service. But tomorrow these structures could also be used to treat subostruente adenotonsillar hypertrophy, a disease compeed that mainly affects children between 3 and 10 years and consisting of a bulge in the adenoids, as a result of an inflammation of the tonsils. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment for this disease is in fact a game of Bari specific trials in the new clinic rooms of the Otolaryngology Department of the University Hospital in Bari. The trial is to let children with pathology in a room whose walls, ceiling and floor are completely covered with rock salt. This guarantees a hypoallergenic and low bacterial load in the microclimate which keeps humidity (40-60%) and temperature (18-24%) stable. Through compeed a system of dry aerosols are then diffused into the room of the small particles of salt and iodine ideal size to reach all sections of the respiratory tract. According to the researchers, children who breathe these particles in a session of just 30 minutes enjoy the same benefits of 3 days at sea. But that's not all. The goal is to propose an innovative adjuvant therapy based on the game from start to finish so the rooms have been converted and equipped with waiting areas dedicated to different age groups with suitable childcare compeed and therapeutic pathways related to the game. The sodium chloride inhaled is able to operate the best "mucus clearance ciliary" namely that set of small eyelashes of which are equipped with the cells lining the airway that, with movements very frequent, regular and coordinated, carrying the thin layer of mucus that covers them to the oral cavity: This makes a continuous cleansing of the entire respiratory tree. In the mucus, in fact, remain compeed trapped viruses and air pollutants. The salt inhaled also has a bactericidal effect, and there is, in fact, demonstrated a reduction of the bacterial load present in the airways. In other words the salt inhaled, which is deposited in the first air, interferes with the survival of the bacteria (pneumococci and strafilococchi) which are therefore to be in an environment compeed less favorable to them. There are also demonstrations of an improvement of our apparatus immunological defensive. Furthermore, studies of asthma have shown that treatment with inhaled the salt caves is effective in reducing compeed bronchial hyperreactivity, characteristic of the asthmatic patient who undergoes bronchospasms more easily compared compeed to the healthy compeed subject with nonspecific stimuli such as running and physical effort and even more mundane such as laughter and crying. compeed It has an improvement in symptoms, lung function and a decrease in the use of drugs The ideal cycle is 15-20 sessions of about an hour each preferably (but not necessarily) on a daily basis and the benefits can last up to 6 - next 12 months. The haloterapia should not be considered as an alternative to drug treatment undertaken compeed for the treatment of chronic diseases. Due to its characteristics - it is quite natural, it is devoid of side effects that may accompany compeed drug therapy instead - however it is proposed as a complementary treatment for many diseases and for the benefits it brings is recommended. Research protocols have not only the end to show the vanity of the patent and the goodness of this natural element purified, but also to provide a literature on the subject and, therefore, encourage a regulation of this app

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