Thursday, October 24, 2013

Natural Ways to Treat Pain cavities 10 Toothache Remedies are hollow - How to treat a sore tooth de

Natural Ways to Treat Pain cavities 10 Toothache Remedies are hollow - How to treat a sore tooth decay does not always involve chemical drugs. Chemical drugs are sometimes not suitable for the majority of symptoms. In addition, people have to know how expensive the treatment of dental pain at the doctor. They are not sufficient to come once and immediately sonica healed. How to treat toothache from a doctor for so long because it took some kalu controls to ensure the healing gear. This causes them to seek treatment with a different sonica method. Another way to treat toothache is a natural way that will not cause side effects. Here's Top 10 Natural Ways To Treat Pain and Traditional Dental cavities 10 Because Toothache Remedies are perforated 1. Ice cubes Ice cubes can help relieve toothache, how to take a small piece of ice cubes and put it between your index finger and thumb. Gently massage in the part, feel the pain slowly began to disappear. Massage comfortably by the ice beam touches the nerve cells located around the thumb and forefinger. Massage sonica is done the ice cube directly to the nerve center, so that 60-90% of pain you are feeling quickly disappeared. Safer than chemical painkillers. 2. Cut the garlic finely sonica garlic (1 garlic clove), then sprinkle a little salt. Chewing on the sore area and soon the pain in your teeth will slowly disappear. You may also use it as a therapy to strengthen the bone structure of your teeth. 3. Onion garlic not only the course, because the onion is also not behind to ease the pain of your teeth, like a children's story aja hehe ... The content of the enzyme in onions may help kill the nasty germs in the mouth. So you will get other benefits sonica by using this onion. Overcoming toothache once disinfect, so double benefit. 4. Lime Squeeze the lime juice, pulaskan on the aching tooth spoonful after spoonful every 10 minutes until the juice runs out. Beside rich in vitamin C, orange juice also serves as a pain reliever your teeth. sonica 5. Clove oil you probably know that the clove is one constituent composition of cigarettes. But unlike the function of clove cigarettes, clove oil extract is very effective to save your teeth from feeling pain attacks. It's sonica easy, apply clove oil on your teeth with the help of cotton. 6. Behind salt salty taste of salt, the high iodine content also relieve sonica tooth pain. It's easy, sprinkle salt in a glass of warm mineral water. Stir then use as a means of mouthwash. gargle at least until you feel comfortable enough and not too tormented by toothache pain. Not recommended direct-consuming salt, because in addition to definitely sonica really salty, also even less spread sonica in between the teeth. 7. Keep flour Pepper teeth with pepper powder, apply a small amount of pepper sonica powder with 1/4 teaspoon salt. If used regularly every day can prevent cavities, bad breath, bleeding gums, sore gums, and toothache. To relieve a toothache, you can put a mixture of pepper powder and clove oil to the tooth cavity. Sensitive teeth can be overcome in the same way. 8. Green chili Paste on the aching tooth cut green chillies to taste a little later burnt edges. Once hot, chili placed on the aching tooth. Use regularly sonica 2 times a day. 9. Flowers and Leaves Sore avocado Drain / roaster 1 avocado seeds, then puree until it becomes a powder. Then enter the avocado seed powder to tooth cavities, then cover with cotton. You can also use the leaves of flowers afternoon. Take a few leaves, boiled with water until cooked. sonica Drain and drink while gargled. 10. Wuluh Take some fruit starfruit starfruit. Wash clean, eat it with a pinch of salt. Chew by using a tooth ache.
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