Sunday, March 22, 2015

Aphthous ulcers are not infectious - why they form, is still unclear. At the moment, it is assumed

A little stress, a slight immunodeficiency or even short-term hormone fluctuations caries rich sometimes even for the formation of these small, very painful blisters on the oral mucosa and tongue, which can greatly complicate speaking, chewing and swallowing. caries
A canker is a round to oval painful mucosal lesion that occurs acutely and is usually large lens. The inflammatory mucosal defect is surrounded by a red halo on him is a whitish coating caries of blood clot fibers (fibrin) to detect.
Aphthous ulcers occur singly or in large numbers to the oral mucosa or tongue edge, sometimes caries in the throat. It often occurs in mechanically stressed mucosal areas near canines or pads on a brace. The aphthous caries ulcer usually heals spontaneously without scarring within 10 to 14 days. What causes mouth ulcers?
Aphthous ulcers are not infectious - why they form, is still unclear. At the moment, it is assumed that an immunological response to certain factors responsible for the Aphthenausbildung. In addition to meeting with gastro-intestinal disorders and many other diseases (colds, Crohn's disease) Affected provide an increased incidence of aphthous ulcers after eating certain foods (eg nuts, citrus fruits) or medication use fixed. caries
Also cycle-dependent hormonal changes and emotional problems such as stress or depressed mood can cause mouth ulcers. In addition, iron, folate or vitamin deficiency and the use of certain caries toothpastes can trigger caries (with the ingredients sodium lauryl sulfate or triclosan) the occurrence.
These so-called idiopathic aphthous ulcers occur often runs in families and at irregular intervals, two types are distinguished: When frequent minor type a few small foci occur. In the rare major type the aphthae are larger in number and only heal with scarring.
From this non-infectious Aphthenerkrankung a distinction aphthenähnliche mucosal defects in many viral diseases (varicella zoster, coxsackie viruses). During the frequent herpes simplex infection of the mouth is called the syndrome aphthous stomatitis. What can be done to prevent mouth ulcers?
Since aphthous caries ulcers cause pain in every mouth movement, speaking, chewing and swallowing during Aphthenbefalls are extremely unpleasant. These symptoms can be alleviated with various painkillers. In addition, a careful oral hygiene is particularly important - as an infection of the mouth ulcers with bacteria is prevented and the healing accelerated somewhat.
Many preparations act both as a disinfectant and locally analgesic, depending on the intensity of pain can be dispensed with another painkiller. Here should caries be mentioned especially: mouthwashes with arnica, mallow, sage and chamomile tincture of rhubarb root extract or myrrh chewing blueberries, the anti-inflammatory effect by its tannin. caries
For local pain relief ointments or gels also anesthetic are used, which - spotted on the canker - have fewer side effects caries than aspirin. For small aphthous sucking ice cubes helps. The consumption of heavily salted or sweetened foods often exacerbates the pain, it reduces milk.
The use of corticosteroid ointments is controversial, as efficacy studies have so far been inconclusive - you should use this only after consulting with your doctor and not over a longer period of time.
Be affected by the treatment also some home remedies recommended - because their efficacy has not been demonstrated by studies, they are usually not recommended by the doctor. caries The tips range from daily consumption of half a raw onion, about taking zinc, calcium or folic acid tablets, a natural urine treatment by drinking lemon juice or cola, or very painful application of salt crystals - but maybe one of these suggestions helpful to you, if other means fail. How to prevent mouth ulcers?
Concerned shall as far as possible avoid the factors that can cause mouth ulcers: the consumption of nuts or citrus-based fruit should be restricted and strengthen your immune system by eating a healthy, vitamin-rich diet.
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